MMtoy 寄賣平台資料及申請
如參加者來自香港以外地區,請電郵聯絡我們 索取海外參加者表格。
- Vtuber向的同人產品
- 原創創作
- 本地製造的手作產品
- 音樂
- 壁紙
- 影片
- 電子書 等
可選擇 門市 /網店 /門市+網店 寄賣
香港 荃灣 海盛道9號 有線電視大樓 23樓 2310A室
星期一~星期日: 14:00-19:30
- 位於荃灣西區內,鄰近西地鐵站7分鐘路程
- 主售各類Vtuber正版商品及代購,為客人帶來信心
- 由2021年9月開始經營,門市及網店有固定人流
- 適合增加銷售網絡,及對外展示渠道
- 在網店售出後,可以直接從門市寄出,無需將商品放在手邊,即可完成從銷售到郵寄的流程。(門市每星期固定順豐寄貨)
・投稿並免費於我們的IG 上宣傳
・卡機 (信用卡/Payme/ 八達通/Alipay/ Wechatpay) (免手續費)
・貨品存倉 (尺寸: 約 25(w) x35(d)x22(h)cm)
門市尺寸: 約 32(w) x33(d)x32(h)cm (部分位置可兩個相連)
門市 - HK$300* [最高同最底HK$200] (限20款商品上架)
網店 - HK$100* (限20款商品上架)
門市 + 網店 - HK$350* (限20款商品上架)
* (需額外支付2個月按金,按金會在退租時退回)
門市寄賣 - 一次租用6個月 (優惠: HK$1650,原價1800)
網店 - 一次租用1年,送1個月,共13個月(優惠: HK$1200,原價1300)
門市+網店 - 一次租用6個月 (優惠: HK$2000,原價: HK$2100)
**新服務限時優惠** (優惠截到31/7/2023前交申請表為準, 名額:10個)
- 門市寄賣 送網店上架(2個月) (原價:HK$100)
- 門市租用 2個月 送1個月
2個月起 (需額外支付2個月按金,按金會在退租時退回)
-欲報名的繪師/店主們, 需接受遴選及審核,請耐心等待遴選結果及名單公佈。
-成功申請者將會獲Model Maker Toys Whatsapp通知,成功申請寄賣的參加者會收到付款程序通知,並需在指定時間支付費用。未能成功申請者,將不另函通知。
- 請成功入選店主們 於起租日前 交齊貨品資料及商品,以便上架。
- 寄賣商品 門市及網店,約三日內上架。
- Model Maker Toys 遴選參加者的準則包括售賣產品的適合性,以及品牌理念是否與店舖吻合
- 售賣之貨品如有抄襲或侵犯著作權之行為,Model Maker Toys將取消其寄賣資格, 有關法律責任由參加者自行承擔
- 如取消寄賣,需早7日通知。
- 如參加者繳費後因個人因素於寄賣前或中途自行退出,所有已繳款項將不獲退還
- 參加者的寄存物品遺失或損毀,Model Maker Toys 恕不負責
- 如有任何爭議,Model Maker Toys擁有最終決議權和保留更改條款之權利
- 嚴禁從批發或網購平台(如淘寶、Gmarket、Amazon、SD等)購入產品上架,如有發現或經檢舉並經確認者,得立即取消資格,且不退還相關費用。
- 不接受 正版/翻版 產品上架及轉售
- 自行製作的手作產品,本店會盡力保護產品以避免破損,如出現質量/破損問題,其更換或善後工作等一切售後服務皆均由相關租戶負責。
如有任何問題歡迎電郵至 ,謝謝支持!
Collapsible content
地址 : 香港荃灣海盛道9號有線電視大樓23樓2310A室
營業時間 : 星期一至星期日 14:00-19:30
1. 所有商品一經訂購, 恕不退款。
2. 商品受日本供應方庫存影響, 如出現缺貨本店將退回所有訂金。
3. 商品到貨日期只供參考, 實際到貨日期取決於實際情況。
4. 代購服務下單需一般須時1-2工作天, 如果需要即時下單請及早通知, 可能會有額外運費產生。
5. 貨品之包裝外盒,因運輸期間或會出現凹陷情況,此乃一般正常狀況,客戶如因取貨次序而未能提取外盒美觀之貨物,本公司恕不負責,客戶亦不可以此為退貨或退款之理由。
7. 網站上設定為限量購買的產品,為每位客戶能買的數量,如果客戶不斷重複下單購買限量購買的產品,我們會將網站手續費用4%在退款中扣除(不足2元會以2元扣除)。
**Model Maker HK保留重複購買的最終決定權,以不同帳戶下單不代表可以重複下單。
超愈以下大小的商品為大型商品, 有可能會被徵收額外運費
1.單件重量超過 1.5KG
2. 任何一邊的長度超過30cm,或「長*寬*高(cm)」超過5000
-信用卡 (Master / Visa / UnionPay / American Express / Apple Pay / Google Pay / Tap&GO )
-Alipay HK / Alipay
-WeChat Pay
About Merchandise Ordering Service
1. All items once ordered are non-refundable.
2. The goods are affected by the Japanese supplier's inventory. If there is a shortage, our store will refund all the deposit.
3. The arrival date of the goods is for reference only, the actual arrival date depends on the actual situation.
4. It generally takes 1-2 working days to place an order for the purchasing service. If you need to place an order immediately, please notify as soon as possible, as additional shipping charges may be incurred.
5. The outer box of the goods may be dented during transportation. This is a normal situation. If the customer fails to pick up the goods with a beautiful outer box due to the order of picking up the goods, the company is not responsible, and the customer is not allowed to use it. For reasons of return or refund.
6. The products set as limited purchases on the website are the quantity that each customer can buy. If the customer keeps repeating orders to purchase the limited purchase products, we will deduct the cost of HK$5 from the refund.
**Model Maker HK reserves the final right to make repeated purchases, placing an order with a different account does not mean that it can be repeated.
Internationally Prohibited Items and Non-Service Items
1. The shop reserves the right to cancel any order, and the cancelled order will be refunded the deposit.
2. If the ordered product is returned or confiscated due to legal issues, the store will not be responsible for it, will not refund any deposit, and may require the orderer to make up the final number.
Items that cannot be ordered include but are not limited to the following items
1. Any animal or plant
2. Any child pornography
3. Infringing copyright, counterfeit, counterfeit goods
4. Pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
5. Firearms, swords, weapons, gunpowder, explosives, poisons
6. Pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
7. Batteries, any product containing batteries
8. Beverages, food, or other items that are easily spoiled and need to be frozen and refrigerated
9. "Aviation Dangerous Objects" such as flammable and explosive materials
10. Products prohibited by law
Shipping and Warehousing
1. Please go to the store to pick up the goods within 14 working days after the arrival notice is issued. If the goods are overdue, a storage fee of HKD10/piece/day will be charged.
2. The shop will not be responsible for any loss caused by delayed delivery or damage of goods due to accidental delivery.
3. When purchasing goods or using our services, you agree to all terms and conditions.
large commodity
Items that exceed the size below are large items and may be subject to additional shipping charges
1. The weight of a single piece exceeds 1.5KG
2. The length of any side exceeds 30cm, or the "length * width * height (cm)" exceeds 5000cm
Welcome Model Maker HK Online Shop
The following terms of use apply to Model Maker HK ("Model Maker HK", "we") and users ("you") and Model Maker HK ("this website"). If you have any comments or objections to the following terms, you need to contact us in writing and obtain consent. When you visit our website and/or purchase products/services from the website, you agree to and abide by the following terms of use. If you do not agree to the following or any terms on this website, you are welcome to contact us before shopping or at any time.
2. Payment
We accept all major credit cards via Stripe Payment. We accept payments in Hong Kong Dollars currency only. Shopify Payment is a global leader in payments and fintech, serving thousands of financial institutions and millions of businesses in more than 100 countries. Customers' payment details are securely transmitted to the acquiring bank, card, and payment companies for real-time transaction authorization using 256-bit Extended Validation Certificates (EV) SSL transaction encryption. First Data supports CVV/CVC check as well as 3-D secure authentication of Visa and MasterCard namely: Verified By VISA, MasterCard Secure Code for added security protection for both customers and merchant.
2. Shipping and Handling
All orders are shipped via the designated couriers to the correspondent district areas or to the pick-up point we provide. Rates are determined shipping options and the destination at the point of purchase. Delivery charges will be added to your order at the checkout stage and you can check the rates before placing an order. If free shipping is applicable, it applies to the lowest-cost shipping option unless otherwise specified. Free shipping may be changed or discontinued at any time. Model Maker HK does not ship to restricted area or outlying islands. Model Maker HK holds the right to refuse shipping to any order.
For more details of shipping and handling, please refer to our website or contact us.
4. Modifications of Products and Price
Prices, quantities, and options for our products are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the products without notice. We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension, or discontinuance of the products.
5. Product Quality
We have tried our best to ensure the quality of our products, and all we sell are original dealer. We do not necessarily have a cooperative relationship with the ordering partner, and we cannot guarantee the quality is 100% of their goods. Therefore, most of the time we order from the official website or purchase from the website with good reputation to maintain the standard. We have tried our best to ensure the quality of the products. The packaging of the goods may not be perfect. If you fail to choose the beautiful outer box due to the late pick-up, our store is not responsible and will not accept refunds for any reason.
6. Copyright
All content and the arrangement, photos, selection, look and feel of the Website, are the sole property of Model Maker HK and/or our licensors and are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights law and international treaties. You don’t have any privileges or rights in the content, and you agree not to copy, reproduce, republish, reverse engineer, display, encode, transmit or distribute any part of the Website or the content, including product images and descriptions, without our express consent. You may not use the Website for any commercial purposes, including the promotion or advertisement of any goods, services, or opportunities, and you may not use Model Maker HK website to solicit other website visitors or users to visit or become members of, subscribe to, or register with any commercial online service or other organization, and/or collect or store personal data or attempt to collect or store personal data about other users of the Website.
All trademarks, trade names, logos, and trade dress, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the "Marks") that appear on the Website or in the content belong to Model Maker HK You may not use or reproduce the Marks or any confusingly similar marks without our written consent.
7. User Content
If you submit any feedback or ideas about our products and services to us, you hereby assign and agree to Model Maker HK has all right, title, and interest in and to such feedback or the embodiment of such feedback in products or services. Any Submission will be treated as non-confidential.
You acknowledge that you are responsible for any information, profiles, messages, text, files, images, photos, video, music, sounds, or other content or materials (“User Content”) that you submit, upload, post, or otherwise provide or make available to Model Maker HK or its vendors, on or through the Website or otherwise (“Submissions”), including User Content you agree to allow the use of that is on third party companies’ websites. Such Submissions may be used on the Website and/or on other Model Maker HK products and/or marketing materials, including emails, social media, and store signage. Model Maker HK reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to edit any Submission and to choose to include or not include such Submission on the Website or otherwise use the Submission. Any Submission also will be treated as non-proprietary, except as specifically set forth herein.
You further represent and warrant that your Submissions do not constitute or contain software viruses, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of "spam." You may not use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead Model Maker HK as to the origin of any Submission.
You acknowledge and agree that Model Maker HK has no control over, and shall have no liability for any damages resulting from, the use (including, without limitation, re-publication) or misuse by any third party of any Submission.
8. Disclaimer
The Website and its content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law). To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, Model Maker HK expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law), including but not limited to, warranties of title, implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of any intellectual property rights of the third party. Model Maker HK makes no warranty that the content, materials, goods and/or service will meet your requirements, or that your access to the Website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; nor does make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of goods or services or as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information, content, materials obtained through this Website or that defects in software or hardware problems will be corrected. Model Maker HK makes no warranty regarding any goods or services purchased or obtained through this Website.
The Website is only providing a venue for the sale of products on its Website and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of profit or intangible loss) related to your use of the Website, or the content, materials, goods and/or service contained or provided under the Website or use of any of the products purchased at the Website. Please read all information, warranties, or warnings on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product purchased through the Website. Model Maker HK shall not be liable for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose or quality of such products, or reliability of any information provided and it is your responsibility to evaluate such information.
9. Indemnity and Limitation of Liability
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Website from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising from any breach of these Terms of Use or any other activity by you in connection with your use of the Website. You further agree that Model Maker HK shall not be held liable howsoever for your use of the Website and you agree to waive all claims that you may have against the Website for any loss or damages you may sustain in connection with your use of the Website. In the event that this disclaimer is unenforceable, the total liability of Model Maker HK, if any, for losses or damages shall not exceed the fees you paid for the particular service or product upon which liability is based.
10. Links to other Sites
Occasionally, the Website may make available a link to a third party's website. These links will let you leave the Website. The linked sites are not under Model Maker HK’s control and the Website is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The Website is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. Model Maker HK provides the links only as a convenience. Model Maker HK does not endorse the site or its use or contents.
11. Our Privacy Policy
By using the Website or placing an order on the Website, you agree to our use of information about you as described in our Privacy Policy.
12. Termination
The Website may terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Website, without notice, for any conduct that the Website, in its sole discretion, believes is in violation of any applicable law or is harmful to Model Maker HK or a third party.
13. Modification of Terms
These Terms of Use (and including other terms of the Website) may be modified from time to time. You should therefore read these Terms of Use and the other terms before you place an order.
14. Governing Law
These Terms of Use (and including other terms of the Website) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You irrevocably agree that the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim or dispute concerning or arising from these Terms of Use and the order terms.